
Jan 3, 2012

ReBrand - CCFI

After a year of research, collaborating, brainstorming and doodling (seriously, it helps me think) the beginning of 2012 marked the induction of CCFI's official Brand and Culture guide along with a fully detailed Annual Communications Plan. Toot toot. That's the sound of my horn. No, not really. I don't think I could have kept my sanity or had such a useful tool to deliver to the Board and Staff at the mark of the last year of existence (Mayans seem to have everyone wigging out these days about that) had it not been for all the volunteers helping and leading the way with surveys, magazine shredding AKA tearapy,  pow wows, focus groups, and more... MUCH more. But alas, I am going to share a small piece of work that the last 18 months of work has contributed to the work done at CCFI. Hopefully leading to a stronger, more consistent brand experience for the organization.

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