
Mar 31, 2010

Green Guide Content, Done!

This past week I have been finishing the copy writing for the Crimson and Green Guide. Edits are almost done too! Here's a small piece of the copy:

Embracing a greener, more sustainable lifestyle can mean an improvement to your health, your bank account, and ultimately, improving your overall quality of life and the life of your community.
We’re All Connected
As individuals and consumers, there is potent power to influence the laws of supply and demand, ecology and economy, and give-and-take that shape our world. The bottom line is that every single thing we do every day has an impact on the planet - good or bad.
There isn’t anything corny about peace, love, and understanding. Nobel Prize winners cemented the connection between peace and the environment, emphasizing the manner in which we’re all connected.
As members of the Sooner nation we’re at a pivotal point; if we unite to make small changes, the outcome will add up to be something meaningful and make a major impact on this global revolution. This generation can change the world - one action at a time.

Like I said, we are still working out some edits, so in the mean time I have been updated the OU green site and working on the design and styling for the guide.
So...I am seeing green, lots and lots of green.

Luckily I have some awesome weather to work with the next few weeks, so my mental breaks will happen behind my Nikon.

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